2 new kitty ACEO prints are available in my etsy shop! "Standing Pretty" and "Cookie Dreams" are both limited edition of 25. The "Clara Sends Milk" original is also available.
Below is a very crappy photograph, taken by myself, of some recently completed work ready for the scanners. "Sweet Locks," a yet untitled picture of a crow and a knife sticking out of an apple, and "Burger Tower" will all be available in the coming weeks! Ok, I'm off to do some work now! Have a super weekend :o)
New ACEO prints of "Cleo" and "Cupcake Buddy" are now available in my etsy shop! The originals are long gone, but pelase enjoy these sweet reproductions!
"Kickin" is a new original drawing for sale in my etsy shop! A one legged goat person. If you prefer a print, they're coming soon. One print I did finish for the shop is the one pictured above titled "We Both Go Together..." The image measure 6x8 on 8.5x11 paper.
I've added these two originals to my etsy shop. I was experimenting with collage and hand sewing on paper. Sorry for the poorly lit photos... if only I had more lamps. :o)
I have 2 new ACEO prints available in my etsy shop! "Little Sound of Cottontail" and "A Top Hat Sheep" will each be produced in a limited edition of 25.
I didn't get as much print editing done as I would have liked this weekend, but I did finish a bunch of new pieces to drop off at the scanners! Hopefully I will have more prints edited for the shop tomorrow :o)
I've picked up my first batch of artwork from the scanners and have edited a print of this lil guy for sale in my etsy shop! I will be editing the rest of them as the week goes on (hopefully they will all be available by the weekend). Then I will be listing the originals in my etsy shop as well.
I've closed my ebay store. I will still be listing original artwork on ebay and will notify you here on my lovely blog. I've got some new ACEOs in the works (and new ACEO prints too!) and hopefully will be back on the ebay auction train soon!
On a side note: Congratulations to my pal Aly and her Adam on their engagement and the lil baby bundle on the way! yaaay!
Jamie Fales is an artist and freelance illustrator, as well as an avid cookie-lover.
All artwork pictured here is copyright of Jamie Fales. Please don't steal my pictures.